MitraCart FAQs

1. How do I order from MitraCart?

To place an order with MitraCart, please follow these steps:

Visit MitraCart.com.

Add desired products to your cart, specifying quantities if ordering multiple items.

Proceed to checkout by clicking on the cart icon located in the top right corner.

Enter your contact email address and provide shipping/billing details.

Continue to the next step to input your payment information.

Confirm and place your order.

2. Which countries do you ship to?

MitraCart currently ships to multiple countries and continues to expand its shipping destinations. Please refer to our shipping page for detailed information.

3. What is the average delivery time?

Our average delivery time ranges from 2 to 15 business days from the dispatch date, excluding customs clearance. Please note that delivery services are inactive on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.

4. Is stock available?

Most items are stocked regularly. However, seasonal items may occasionally sell out, with replenishment contingent upon market conditions. For out-of-stock items, please contact us, and we will notify you upon availability.

5. When will my order be dispatched?

Items typically dispatch within 1-3 business days. In rare instances, dispatch may take longer.

6. Will you replace damaged items in transit?

MitraCart will either issue a refund or replace damaged items in accordance with our established return policy.

7. Will I receive a refund if I cancel my order?

We will initiate a refund for orders canceled within 1 hour of placement or if processing has not commenced. Requests for amendments or cancellations must be submitted within 1 hour of order confirmation.

8. What confirmation will I receive for my order?

You will receive an order confirmation email sent to your registered email address.

9. Whom should I contact for complaints?

For any complaints, you can reach our Customer Support Team 24/7 via phone, email, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or live chat on our website.

10. Can you deliver items not listed on your website?

Yes, visit our Suggest a Product page to submit details about the desired product. Custom orders are accommodated based on availability.

11. Do I need to pay extra for taxes or customs?

All taxes and customs fees are included in the order value.

12. What are MitraCart's liabilities?

MitraCart functions as a platform for international sellers. While we provide support services to customers and sellers, we do not assume liability for products and shipping.

13. How can I contact MitraCart?

For seller inquiries, please email request@MitraCart.com. For other inquiries, contact our Customer Support Team at sales@MitraCart.com.