Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy

Ownership and Protection of Content

All content contained within this website, including but not limited to text, images, videos, graphics, designs, and any other material (collectively, the "Content"), is the exclusive intellectual property of MitraCart and is protected under copyright law and international copyright treaties. All rights, including but not limited to the rights of reproduction, distribution, adaptation, public display, and public performance, are reserved and retained by MitraCart

Unauthorized Use and Prohibited Actions

Without the prior express written permission of MitraCart , you are strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the following actions with respect to the Content:

1. Reproduction and Copying: Reproducing, copying, or duplicating any portion of the Content, in whole or in part, for any purpose.

2. Distribution: Distributing, disseminating, or making available any Content to third parties through any medium or channel.

3. Modification and Derivative Works: Altering, transforming, or creating derivative works based on the Content, including but not limited to adaptations, translations, or any other modifications.

4. Public Display and Performance: Publicly displaying or performing the Content, whether digitally, in print, or through any other medium.

5. Commercial Use: Using the Content for commercial purposes, including but not limited to resale, licensing, or any other monetization, without explicit written consent from MitraCart

6. Plagiarism: Any form of plagiarism, including the use of Content without appropriate attribution or misrepresentation of the Content as your own.

Enforcement and Legal Remedies

MitraCart will vigorously enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by law. Unauthorized use of the Content may result in legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages, injunctive relief, and attorney's fees. Infringers may also be subject to criminal prosecution under applicable laws.

Requesting Permission

To request permission to use any Content from this website, you must submit a written request to MitraCart detailing the specific Content you wish to use, the intended use, and any other relevant information. Requests should be directed to:


Email Address:

MitraCart reserves the right to deny any request at its sole discretion. Any granted permission will be subject to terms and conditions specified by MitraCart and must be obtained prior to any use of the Content.


The information provided in this Copyright Policy does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice regarding copyright matters, please consult a qualified attorney.

For further inquiries regarding the use of Content or to request permission, please contact MitraCart at the provided contact information.